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Garibaldi Lake, BC, Canada

Hello! 🐼

This is Li Haolin 李昊霖, and you can call me Ellen:). I am a final year undergraduate double majoring in International Relations and Political Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver. I will join the University of Toronto School of the Environment MES program as a master's candidate in 2024 fall under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Kramarz.


I am a research assistant for Dr. Juliet Lu and a member of the Global Political Ecology Group (lovely lovely family), where I was inspired to examine the evolving roles of Chinese non-state actors in overseas sustainability governance and natural resource management. I also work for Dr. Jessica DiCarlo as a research assistant in her Wilson Center project on how Chinese firms navigate responsible sourcing of critical minerals.


I aim to develop an interdisciplinary approach to further explore the global environmental politics, political economy, and political geography of extractive industries and their global supply chains, specifically targeting critical minerals (names and lists vary depending on countries) in my future studies. I am also extremely interested in the social science discussion on Anthropocene, technologymateriality of resources, extractivism, discourse & knowledge, and etc.

You can find me posting the geopolitical risk analyses I wrote during my undergraduate studies (as a writing practice) for a China policy think tank named Intellisia Institute in the Sparks section, which is currently available only in Chinese. Hope I have more mature writing coming soon :p

I travel, write, draw, and explore music and visual arts. Growing up with diverse regional backgrounds as a "cultural nomad" shaped who I am and who I want to be.


Gansu, China


School in Canada (BC and Alberta)

Northwestern China, home

Backpacked in Western Europe

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